Therapy for Anxiety

Are you on-edge and having trouble concentrating? Do you feel restless and unable to set aside your worries? Maybe your anxiety is causing sleeping or eating problems?

I’m here to help you figure out your anxiety—where it might be coming from and how to make it stop (or at least not be so intense).

Therapy for Depression

You’ve lost interest in things that you used to get excited about, you’re irritable and want to isolate to protect those around you from your sadness or anger. You have a hard time getting out of bed to face the day or have overwhelming feelings of guilt and hopelessness. Or you might feel nothing at all—and feeling numb might be even scarier than feeling depressed.

Let’s get you un-stuck and moving in a forward direction. I know it seems impossible, but I’ve witnessed clients immobilized by depression start living the life they desire in only a few months. You have the strength to change, an I’d love to be part of your journey.

Therapy for Postpartum Concerns

You’re not sure if someone can have PTSD from pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting, but it should be a thing because it feels that hard. (It is a thing—FYI.) Your heart starts to race when you hear your toddler open his door or your baby babbling in her crib. Because you know that means it's the end of your alone time, and it's the beginning of yet another day of tending to other people’s needs before your own. You wonder, “How can I take care of another human being when I am so depleted myself?”

I’ve been there and I’m here to help. There is hope! While I can’t take care of your baby virtually, I can be a listening ear to hear your struggles of parenthood and all the feelings that come with it.

Are you looking for a therapist to help you with anxiety, depression, or postpartum concerns?

Send me an email or give me a call to book a free 15 minute consultation . . .
